Thursday, July 09, 2009

Fashion Trend - Fall and Winter 2009 (Golden 80's)

The 80's seems to be a memorable and golden decade for us. We have different great MJs around the time, Michael Jackson in POP, Michael Jordon in Basketballs and Marc Jacobs in Fashion. Oh, don't mix up. Marc Jacobs is not quoted to be great in the 80's but his greatness in promoting the golden 80's for this Fall and Winter fashion trend. Bright colors, oversized jacket and power shoulders all featured in the runways leading by brands such as Louis Vuitton, YSL, Dolce & Gabbana and surely Marc Jocobs etc. New elements have been adopted by fashion designers to give a new look of these 80's features such as geometric cuttings of power shoulders from YSL. Tight pants or pencil skirts are also dressed with oversized jacket to create contrast effects.

Fashion Trend - Fall and Winter 2009 (Summary)

The year, the Fall and Winter fashion trend is a continuation of the Spring and Summer trends. Under the financial tsunami, fashion designer tends to goes from "Runway Fashion" to "Dressable Fashion" and from "Conceptual" to "Practical". Below are some of the fashion trends for Fall and Winder 2009 :

1. Golden 80's

2. Black Always

3. See-through

4. Dress Coat

We will discuss each trend in details later.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Fashion Trend - Spring and Summer 2009 (80's Again)

History repeats itself. Fashion elements in different decades also repeat themselves to create new trends. One typical example is the hot "bling bling" of 60's becomes trendy again around these few years. This year, it's 80's turn. In the 80s, the fashion trend was masculine influenced with the wide use of shoulder pads for women. However, fashion designer will not just simply copy but adopt. Fashion designers manipulate fabric in ever bolder (and bigger) ways but the shoulder pads are smaller to give a less masculine effect than the 80's. Fashion brands leading this trend are Jean Paul Gaultier, Givenchy, Christian Lacoix and Ralph Lauren etc.